Uni has finally started after what seemed like an eternity of waiting, im finally starting to get a routime and to feel settlled in. The piso im living in is amazing, and i am there with two spanish girls and an italian girl all who are soo nice! They are very interested to know all about me.. we spend lots of time together and usually cook together, so i am learning to cook lots of spanish and italian recipes. Have joined a gym and started to go there to swim a lot, I also have 6 students that i give private english lessons. All of them are adults and are very nice, although are having trouble adjusting to my australian accent. It rains here most days, but I am getting out and meeting a lot of people. This weekend we had an erasmus party (international students) that had an 80s theme. Ofcourse the aussies went all out, dressed up to the nines. We discovered as we entered the plaza that its not really done much in spain unless there is a national reason. Not one of the other 200 international students got dressed up either, and i put this down to reason that half of them are still in the 80's... we realised that we australians are a bit different.......to overcome the embarressment we partied very hard that night!.